Stepping Stones

The key to greatness isn't fame and glory. It isn't the amazing things that you accomplish nor the amazing journey you were taken on. It's the failures, the fatigue and the heartache you had to endure. It's the hardship and struggle that make these accomplishments amazing. Why? Because without them nothing was truly earned. The value was lost. So understand this, your failures make you amazing and are the stepping stones to greatness.---Todd West

Think Wisely

Words can be one of two things.  Pillows or knives. You can't comfort and teach or you can cut and confuse.  With each roll of the tounge,  a push of a pen, the stroke of a key,  you can change your life for good or bad. Think wisely. ---Todd West


Reach for the moon and you just might catch a star. Dream big.  -Todd West

Feed the Journey

To say you like something means at first glance it appeals to you. To say you love something you must first have experienced it. For one to be passionate about something you must open your soul and live it. These steps will open up your world and feed the journey you call life. -Todd West


To find your soul you must first know where your heart is, for the heart holds the key
to this door. To find your true heart you must open the doors of your mind.

The things you constantly yearn for will lead the way. -Todd West


Music can free the mind, sometimes control it's very function.  Each of us have that song that puts us in a special place or takes us down a long lost road. - Todd West


The idea of a trophy is different for everyone. In my heart a trophy is not a display but the efforts and preparation to go on a journey and do something you otherwise would’ve never done. This, giving you a life long memory which has to be the greatest trophy of all.   -Todd West